My creative process is deeply entwined in the structure of my life. I am outside from breakfast to my late evening trips to the beach, rain or shine, I focus entirely on immersing myself in my work living in the rhythm of nature.
One of my favourite experiences is swimming in the ocean for miles along the rocky coast line. While looking at the ocean floor, I see the ripples of the sunlight reflecting through the water oscillating on the moving sand, it mesmerise me into a dream like state. I bring these experiences into my work closing my eyes to feel the sensations again while I paint the water.
I find remote places, wild wind sculptured places where the tide cleanses the sand and creates the odd shapes in the landscape. I sketch again and again the same beaches and locations seeing new possibilities shapes and perspectives, new emotions shape the marks I make, influencing what I see, challenging me to have my eyes wide open, to see, to really see, the beauty that is around me.
I have studied with Emily Ball at Seawhites contemporary painting courses in W Sussex, from 2002. I have exhibited in England and Portugal including sole exhibitions and joint group exhibitions with the Algarve artist network, including exhibitions in Lisbon.
My work is available for sale or commission. I live in Portugal and England Please contact me via email on the contact page for any further information.